Price List for Terracotta, Bronze and Portrait Works

"Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh"

Please click on any work to see a recent photograph of it. Also note that if you have seen a piece in my Web site, it will be listed here only if it is for sale. All prices are in U.S. dollars and are F.O.B. Art Cast Inc., Georgetown, Ontario. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Terracotta and Bronze Works

Once Upon A Time . . .
Once Upon A Time 1   $1,000
Once Upon A Time 2     950
Once Upon A Time 3   650
Once Upon A Time 4 (mother and child only) 650
Once Upon A Time 5  900
Little Girl Kneeling only (as in Once Upon A Time With Little Sister) 350
Little Boy/Little Girl . . .
Little Boy Feeding Bunnies   $500
Little Boy Feeding A Bunny  450
Little Boy and Girl Feeding A Bunny 800
Little Girl Feeding Bunnies  550
Studies . . .
The Secret Garden   $1,075
Bless His Little Heart    1,000
Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax ... and Alfie 1,000
Misia 950
Heather 900
Hugh and "Amy"   950
Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh           500
Mother Love    425
Play Time 900

Portrait Sculptures

Aunt Amy       $800
Lis                                                   600
Jennifer                                              600

Copyrights are in effect.